The Jersey City Rotary Foundation
The Foundation supports its activities entirely through donations. Donations can be made either to the Operating Fund or to the Endowment Fund as desired by the donor. The Operating Fund consists of money that may be spent without restriction on appropriate projects. The Endowment Fund consists of contributions that cannot be spent by the Foundation, but are used to generate ongoing interest income from which the Foundation may spend.
Special Funds
The trustees may accept specially designated funds from individuals or a group of donors as long as the purpose of such funds are compatible with the purposes of the Foundation and do not conflict with any laws, rules, or regulations which govern the operation of the Foundation. The trustees, in considering the establishment of such a fund, will take into account the restrictions indicated above, as well as certain minimum and maximum limits which might make the management of the fund undesirable to the Foundation. At the present time, only two such Special Funds have been established but more can be added by the trustees upon the request of a donor.
The Miller Campership Fund - The Miller Campership Fund has been established based on grants from the Liberty Savings Federal Credit Union in honor of its founders William A. and Catherine L. Miller. Additional contributions to this fund are made periodically both by the Credit Union and by interested individuals. The fund is set up as a permanent endowment fund with the earnings generated by the fund being distributed periodically. The purpose of the fund is limited to providing financial assistance to Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts from Hudson County, New Jersey in order that they might participate in Scouting sponsored summer camp, national, and international opportunities.
Jersey City Rotary Centennial Fund - The Centennial Fund has been established to provide dedicated frunding for special projects, events, and programs associated with the Centennial of the Rotary Club of Jersey City. The Club will celebrate 100 years of service on August 1, 2016. This fund will provide dedicated funds for the Centennial Committee.
Hudson County Emergency Medical Providers Scholarship Fund - In cooperation with the 200 Club of Hudson County, the Rotary Club of Jersey City has established this fund to provide college scholarships for the children of EMS workers in Hudson County.